When the Union Wins, We Win!
Mike Schirtzer, veteran educator, longtime union activist and UFT executive board member, appeals to members to join the January 30th local chapter teach-ins as a day of action
My son’s life, my life, and my entire family are better off because I am blessed enough to have a union. I have job security, benefits, retirement, and healthcare because of the United Federation of Teachers, Local 2 of the AFT.
Any mayor that has served, democrat or republican, wants to pay me less, wants me to work longer hours, and could care less about the well-being of the students in my classroom. When a student with special needs didn’t have the services they were entitled to, my union filed a grievance, days later that child, my student, had a regular sign language interpreter as they should have in the first place.
Our union not only makes my life better, but it also makes life better for my students.
Only the union ensures there are any limits to class size. The politicians who send their kids to schools with 10 students for every teacher would have you believe that class size doesn’t matter, it does.
Our union, your union, my union is not an entity you just pay dues to. It’s something you take part in.
Costs are rising like crazy, if you have bought eggs and milk lately you know just what I’m talking about. If you have kids you know what I’m talking about. Add on the co-pays, the medicines, and the family trips you still try to take. It’s too much for a working teacher, paras, or any of our members. We need a raise, we need to keep our healthcare, and we need the respect that comes with giving workers the contract they deserve.
Our union is holding a teach-in on January 30th.
Make it a point to do something in your school. It’s not an ask, it’s our livelihood.
For us to live like we want, live like we need to, we need your involvement.
Don’t sit back and wait for the chapter leader or the UFT offices or the President of the union to fight for you. You got to be part of this with them, with us, with me.
I want this campaign to succeed because I want my union to succeed. I’m better off and my family is better off when we win.
- Mike Schirtzer
UFT members: For more information about the UFT January 30th teach-ins, visit:
Or speak to your chapter leader or district representative.
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