Bennett Fischer, candidate for chapter leader of the Retired Teachers Chapter and running on the Retiree Advocate slate, shares part of the RA vision moving forward.
Outstanding piece. One thing you did not mention is that Mulgrew agreed in 2018 to save the City 600 million dollars in health care savings every year Forever. Mulgrew thought he could put UFT retirees (and all other Union retirees) into a Medicare Advantage plan which would surprise, surprise save the City 600 million dollars a year. Did Murphy object: no. He supported sacrificing his members for this gambit.
Vote for Retiree Advocate like your life depends on it because it does.
One important reason I am running on the Retiree Advocate slate for Delegate is to support in service members. Working conditions have gotten steadily worse since I began teaching in 1989, and since the turn of the century, salary has not kept up with inflation. Before I retired, I was a UFT Delegate and finally Chapter Leader. I found the Unity leadership and staff of the union growing closer and closer to the administrators and DOE higher ups. Finally, I was forced to ask my District Rep, "which side are you on?" When we were "trained" as chapter leaders, the Unity staff tried to make it seem like the members are idiots and taking their side was stupidity. I rejected that and never joined the Unity caucus, and I personally couldn't trust anyone who was ever in that caucus. Because that indoctrination never goes away. The in service members who have realized the real dangers of the Unity leadership need support in the Delegate Assembly in trying to get the conditions and pay they deserve. The 300 retiree delegates have always been Unity's base of support in the D.A., opposing the democratic and workplace rights of the working members. Electing the Retiree Advocate slate would finally end that.
Denigrating teachers who work for the union is troubling, full time staff members work their way up the ladder from a few days a week to full time staff, in my experience they are dedicated, caring colleagues working for members, do you intend to fire all union staff …?
No, they just want to fire Tom Murphy who wants to take their Medicare, Medicare supplement at no cost and reimbursement of Medicare Part B away and dump them into a for-profit non-union privatized Medicare Advantage plan.
Outstanding piece. One thing you did not mention is that Mulgrew agreed in 2018 to save the City 600 million dollars in health care savings every year Forever. Mulgrew thought he could put UFT retirees (and all other Union retirees) into a Medicare Advantage plan which would surprise, surprise save the City 600 million dollars a year. Did Murphy object: no. He supported sacrificing his members for this gambit.
Vote for Retiree Advocate like your life depends on it because it does.
One important reason I am running on the Retiree Advocate slate for Delegate is to support in service members. Working conditions have gotten steadily worse since I began teaching in 1989, and since the turn of the century, salary has not kept up with inflation. Before I retired, I was a UFT Delegate and finally Chapter Leader. I found the Unity leadership and staff of the union growing closer and closer to the administrators and DOE higher ups. Finally, I was forced to ask my District Rep, "which side are you on?" When we were "trained" as chapter leaders, the Unity staff tried to make it seem like the members are idiots and taking their side was stupidity. I rejected that and never joined the Unity caucus, and I personally couldn't trust anyone who was ever in that caucus. Because that indoctrination never goes away. The in service members who have realized the real dangers of the Unity leadership need support in the Delegate Assembly in trying to get the conditions and pay they deserve. The 300 retiree delegates have always been Unity's base of support in the D.A., opposing the democratic and workplace rights of the working members. Electing the Retiree Advocate slate would finally end that.
Denigrating teachers who work for the union is troubling, full time staff members work their way up the ladder from a few days a week to full time staff, in my experience they are dedicated, caring colleagues working for members, do you intend to fire all union staff …?
No, they just want to fire Tom Murphy who wants to take their Medicare, Medicare supplement at no cost and reimbursement of Medicare Part B away and dump them into a for-profit non-union privatized Medicare Advantage plan.