Take a look at your TRS booklet. The UFT is the only organization that gets 7% fixed. The state employees get 8 1/2%. Mulgrew keeps giving back our benefits!

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To say that the MLC and not the UFT negotiates the health insurance is misleading. The MLC is controlled by the UFT and DC 37.

The 600 million dollars in “savings” to the City is actually going to the Health Insurance Stabilization Fund controlled by the unions i.e. the UFT and DC 37. The 600 million dollars will come from the in-service health plan. ( See Independent Budget Office testimony in 2021).

The UFT members should not ratify the contract until they see the new health insurance plan. That plan could nullify any pay raise under this contract by raising deductibles, co-pays and limiting the network providers.

Vote No.

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The "union" lied to all of it's retired teachers. Retirees do not want managed healthcare, and Aetna is managed healthcare. Union leadership wants you to believe that retired teachers want managed healthcare because very few retirees opted out of the Aetna plan. The real reason is that the full burden of Medicare, deductibles, co-pays, and gap insurance falls "completely" on those who opt out!

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