"Have you (Unity)... ever been wrong?" Love it!

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I always have hope that one day they see the light. The retirees are being attacked by Unity for protecting something that was rightfully earned by them. Not to mention 10 judges and two different courts agreed that the unity leadership under the auspice of the MLC, taking away their access to traditional Medicare and changing the terms of what they paid for their healthcare in retirement would be to their detriment.

And yet at no time has anyone in unity had any reflection point or aha moment to recognize their leadership was harming them with an ill conceived plan?

They seem to disregard the legal system, the law, attorneys, and judges

And then they accuse Retirees of being funded by the Koch brothers 🤦🏽‍♀️.

They claim to be in union solidarity.

But what they’re watching, is Retirees organizing in true union solidarity, and fundraising grassroots style for three years to beat back the oppression of a false narrative and bullying. And the bullying is coming from teachers, with masters degrees! It’s shocking that they have become like a cult.

The unity leader isn’t a leader but a dictator at this point because while the chaos was unfolding, he stood idly by and did nothing while an attorney and the leader of 250,000 Retirees, who has successfully led a movement for 3 1/2 years were attacked rudely in the union hall. He sets the tone - the evidence is there.

That’s the movement he created. You and I aren’t proud of that but apparently he is.

And for his defenders to say, he walked back his support for Medicare advantage, doesn’t hold water either. Because if he really did, he would be doing something about it other than just saying, he walked it back. Actions speak, louder than words. At this point, Uft leadership is silent and that alone proves our point. He wields his Union "power" when he wants to - and doesn't when he doesn't want to. That has never been more clear.


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