The UFT actively lobbied to take away Medicare and Medicare supplement at no cost to retirees.
Will NYSUT and the UFT actively lobby to repeal the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium Law which requires school districts which cut benefits to retirees to make corresponding cuts to in-service employee?
This law protects retirees. It is a count in the pending litigation between the New York Organization of Public Service Retirees and
New York City. The UFT supports the City.
Is COPE funds being deployed to repeal the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium Law?
As UFT members, you need to protect and reform your pension benefits and your health care in retirement.
I stopped contributing to COPE when the UFT/Mike Mulgrew started his campaign against retirees' healthcare. I will not contribute another dime until unity is defeated.
The UFT Unity Caucus leadership has a strategy that allows it to get just enough from the City to get contracts passed and prevent any opposition from any electoral success. I call this the "strategy of friendly politicians. " Instead of organizing the members for a campaign of pressure, UFT leaders horse trade with willing politicians: Unity will keep the members "in line," accepting everything from school closings to worse health insurance coverage, in exchange for minimum raises and some sweeteners. COPE is part of this strategy. It both helps Unity get candidates it sees as potentially friendly get elected, and act as a carrot for elected officials to go along with minimal gains for union members. This strategy has replaced the powerful struggles that first built the union, and led to a steady deterioration of our working conditions, rights and benefits. That's why I not only never contributed to COPE, but also never campaigned for COPE as Chapter Leader. Considering how weak Bacon's arguments for COPE are, I don't understand why he stays a donor.
The UFT actively lobbied to take away Medicare and Medicare supplement at no cost to retirees.
Will NYSUT and the UFT actively lobby to repeal the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium Law which requires school districts which cut benefits to retirees to make corresponding cuts to in-service employee?
This law protects retirees. It is a count in the pending litigation between the New York Organization of Public Service Retirees and
New York City. The UFT supports the City.
Is COPE funds being deployed to repeal the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium Law?
As UFT members, you need to protect and reform your pension benefits and your health care in retirement.
Will your UFT leadership?
I stopped contributing to COPE when the UFT/Mike Mulgrew started his campaign against retirees' healthcare. I will not contribute another dime until unity is defeated.
Stop donating to COPE. It’s that simple.
The UFT Unity Caucus leadership has a strategy that allows it to get just enough from the City to get contracts passed and prevent any opposition from any electoral success. I call this the "strategy of friendly politicians. " Instead of organizing the members for a campaign of pressure, UFT leaders horse trade with willing politicians: Unity will keep the members "in line," accepting everything from school closings to worse health insurance coverage, in exchange for minimum raises and some sweeteners. COPE is part of this strategy. It both helps Unity get candidates it sees as potentially friendly get elected, and act as a carrot for elected officials to go along with minimal gains for union members. This strategy has replaced the powerful struggles that first built the union, and led to a steady deterioration of our working conditions, rights and benefits. That's why I not only never contributed to COPE, but also never campaigned for COPE as Chapter Leader. Considering how weak Bacon's arguments for COPE are, I don't understand why he stays a donor.