It's scary to me that most teachers either didn't care enough about people like retirees getting shafted in previous contracts, or gullible enough to keep trusting Mulgrew & Unity at their word. How many times do we have to be betrayed before people wake up? If educated people can't see corruption, incompetence, and treachery that are obvious and repeated, how can they see the same in politicians etc?

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Time for the Unity caucus cabal to finally GO! Actives: Consider a lawsuit. Voting won’t accomplish anything. They have overstepped way, way past the line of no return. As a retiree this can only mean one thing: kickbacks for Unity to move out of GHI-CBP. There’s your lawsuit. And there’s our good medical insurance once again tossed right into the trash bin.

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They made sure they got the contract ratified before they told members about the new health coverage changes I wonder after the multiple attempts to screw the retirees on their health coverage why anyone would be surprised

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Mulgrew is a criminal. He’s a thug. I’m convinced that he’s too stupid to even function as he seems to function.

I bet “Randi” that other piece of garbage runs Mulgrew, for sure. Mulgrew is an idiot.

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