How dare Banks say that teachers are responsible for this. We had Charlotte Danielson and the workshop model shoved down our throats. I was personally tormented with the flow of the day, teaching points, conference log notes and all of the other garbage that the morons who make these big ticket decisions imposed upon us. Now there is an entire generation of teachers who know nothing else. No institutional memory of the joy of reading. So it goes in the US of Business.

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Thank you. This pseudoscience is constantly being pushed in DC charter schools, and it feels like it gets pushed harder every year. Articles like this are important for us to push back against these grifters masquerading as "reformers".

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Teaching reading became complex only after lunatics took hold of the teaching profession back in the 1940s: http://mychildwillread.org/

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I take offense to Chancellor Banks statement… teachers are responsible for children not learning to read! I beg to differ, it’s the fault of the former mayor, the former chancellor,policy experts, former superintendents and former principals! What makes him think teachers had anything to do with it. Yes teachers worked hard to put phonics into a curriculum, that they were forced to teach, that didn’t have any. Teachers new all along!

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