We already know that our union is not "OUR" union. Mulscrew does what is going to benefit him. He does not now, nor has he ever worked for his constituents. When are UFT members going to wake up, actually start to vote and vote him the heck out. A chimpanzee would be an improvement, so please don't spew the "better the devil you know" line because he is the devil when it comes to protecting us and fighting for us. And it's time we got someone in that office with the attitude/balls of Al Shanker or Sandy Feldman.

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Mulgrew is simply the figurehead of his caucus, Unity. They may run someone else once he retires who seems easier to work with, but realistically if that person is Unity, they'll advocate for the same concessionary policies (such as MAP...not being strike ready...etc). We can't vote for Unity, period.

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