Leonie interviewed Michael Mulgrew, President of the United Federation of Teachers, about the new negotiated teacher contract, the expansion of online learning that the contract calls for, the new state class size law, and the looming cuts to school budgets and the capital plan.
Video: Mayor Adams and UFT Announce Tentative Contract, June 13, 2023
Text of the new proposed UFT contract and Memorandum of Agreement
Amy Zimmer and Reema Amin, Chalkbeat, NYC teachers union and Adams administration reach tentative deal on 5-year contract , June 13, 2023
Leonie Haimson, Department of Education Fails to Plan for Mandatory Class Size Reduction, Gotham Gazette, June 12, 2023;
Class Size Matters chart with Capital plan cuts by school district and Initial School Galaxy budgets for next year compared to their total Galaxy budgets this year
Sample letter to City Council: Do not allow DOE to cut school budgets and the capital plan once again
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