Episode Summary
Leonie interviews Carol Burris, the Executive Director of Network for Public Education & Charles Siler, political consultant and a former lobbyist for vouchers , about the nationwide push to privatize and defund our public schools, who is behind it and what we can do to stop it.
Episode Notes
Videos of NYC rally on Feb. 3, 2023: elected officials and parent leaders explaining why they oppose raising the cap on charter schools. https://nycpublicschoolparents.blogspot.com/2023/02/legislators-and-parents-speak-out.html
Send a message to NY Governor and state legislators urging them not to raise the charter cap but require more accountability and transparency for the charter sector. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/dont-raise-the-cap-on-charters-instead-dont-make-nyc-pay-their-rent-require-more-accountability?clear_id=true&source=direct_link
Class Size Matters NY state budget testimony, showing how Mayor Adams is planning to cut school budgets again next year despite an increase of $568 million in state Foundation Aid. https://classsizematters.org/state-budget-testimony-doe-is-planning-on-making-even-more-cuts-to-school-budgets-despite-568-million-more-in-state-foundationaid/
The Federalist, Two States Now Have Universal School Choice and Yours Could be Next https://thefederalist.com/2023/01/27/two-states-now-have-universal-school-choice-and-yours-could-be-next/
The Nation, Robbing From the Poor to Educate the Rich https://www.thenation.com/article/society/vouchers-attack-public-education/
Peter Greene, Vouchers Are Not About School Choice. Here's How We Know. https://curmudgucation.blogspot.com/2023/01/vouchers-are-not-about-school-choice.html·
Diane Ravitch, Charles Siler: a Former Privatizer Changes Sides https://dianeravitch.net/2021/05/04/charles-siler-a-former-privatizer-changes-sides/
Ed Week, Voucher Programs Gains Strength with Help from the Courts https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/voucher-programs-gain-strength-with-help-from-the-courts-an-expert-says/2022/12
American Prospect, Will the Education Culture War Backfire on Republicans? https://prospect.org/education/2023-02-08-republican-public-school-culture-war/
Subscribe to Network for Public Education newsletter at
NPE Toolkit: School Privatization Explained https://networkforpubliceducation.org/privatization-toolkit/
NPE list of 76 state voucher bills https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wo04PewW20Y7SlPI3sgYNd7S_nM-OY9srzrEX0N1gqA/edit#gid=0
Follow on Twitter: Carol Burris at @carolburris & Charles Siler at @charles_siler
Latest Talk Out of School: The nationwide assault on public schools through privatization