Complacency, givebacks and apathy in our contract negotiations hurt our profession and devalue our contract. We need intentional, precise, transparent, specific, strong demands worth something.
The UFT leadership is telling the retirees that a privatized Medicare Advantage plan is
better than Medicare and premium free Medicare supplement insurance, then why not give the retirees a choice? You know the answer. The 600 million in savings will not go to the City, it will go to the Health Insurance Stabilization Fund controlled by the UFT leadership and DC 37. The UFT leadership is
negotiating a new health care plan for in-service members with a 10% cost savings. They will tell you it’s for your benefit. Ask UFT
leadership why they agreed in the 2018 contract to give 600 million in health care cost savings every year.
Don’t agree to a contract until the UFT leadership addresses these questions.
The UFT leadership is telling the retirees that a privatized Medicare Advantage plan is
better than Medicare and premium free Medicare supplement insurance, then why not give the retirees a choice? You know the answer. The 600 million in savings will not go to the City, it will go to the Health Insurance Stabilization Fund controlled by the UFT leadership and DC 37. The UFT leadership is
negotiating a new health care plan for in-service members with a 10% cost savings. They will tell you it’s for your benefit. Ask UFT
leadership why they agreed in the 2018 contract to give 600 million in health care cost savings every year.
Don’t agree to a contract until the UFT leadership addresses these questions.