Leonie interviews Annie Abrams, a NYC teacher and author of the recently published book, “Short Changed: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students” and Akil Bello, testing expert and the Senior Director of Advocacy for the national organization FairTest about how and why the College Board has assumed so much power over our kids’ education, here in NYC and nationwide through the expansion of AP courses and exams, and what the impact on students has been.
The forced relocation of Edward Reynolds West Side High School as covered in the NYC Parent blog, the Daily News, AM NY, Chalkbeat, Diane Ravitch's blog and the NYC News Service.
Annie Abrams, “Short Changed: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students”
School Stories, How the College Board Enlists HS students to Lobby Albany for AP Funding
Washington Post Answer Sheet, Ben Carson: New AP U.S. history course will make kids want to ‘sign up for ISIS’
David Coleman, Letter about AP US History
Vox, The Controversy over the African American Studies College Board Explained
College Board leaked emails to Florida Ed Department
Science Magazine, The College Board Can't be Trusted
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