Please send a message to Randi Weingarten, Michael Mulgrew and Thomas Murphy and become a Retiree Advocate Delegate and vote the Unity Slate out. Then the UFT leadership will hear you loud and clear. They are collaborating with the City to take away Medicare and Medicare Supplement. Stop them!

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The MLC/UFT attack on Medicare and Medicare Supplement is the most important issue facing retirees. Don’t allow Weingarten, Mulgrew and Murphy try to divert your focus to Trump etc. while they are selling you out.

Keep your eyes on the prize, the preservation of Medicare and Medicare supplement for NYC retirees who earned it for their years of service.

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TY Norm. Between you and Arthur, I'm enjoying some good belly laughs throughout the insanity. Unity Heads (and other sweet-talking officials) are leading us to ruin because they prefer to follow their own self-enrichment goals. Articles like these are helping all of us see how important it is to use our critical thinking caps -- and now's not the time to blink! Thanks again and again!

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