Why is UFT Leadership undermining the New York Health Act? Learn more about NYHA at Town Hall slated for 2/16!
UFT Chapter leader Ali Haridopolos, of MORE UFT, asks urgent questions about UFT leadership's decisions surrounding healthcare & the New York Health Act. MORE UFT to host NYHA Town Hall on 2/16. RSVP!
I am a UFT member and I support the New York Health Act.
Premium-free health insurance without copays, deductibles or many pre-authorizations.
The New York Health Act may sound too good to be true, but dozens of economic studies from reputable sources have concluded that NYHA is more than just sustainable, it will generate billions of dollars in savings by eliminating private insurance companies in New York.
NYHA is a single-payer healthcare program that is primarily funded through a payroll tax shared by the employer (80% minimum) and the employee (20% maximum).
It is estimated that nearly 90% of New Yorkers would pay less money than they are currently paying for their current health insurance plan.
Imagine healthcare as a public good just like schools, post offices, and fire departments. Every New Yorker would have access to healthcare services and medical debt would be non-existent.
Two resolutions were passed in the UFT delegate assembly in support of NYHA. Mulgrew needs to explain why he made a unilateral decision to publicly oppose NYHA.
I am asking for an honest answer. I do not want to speculate, I want an answer.
Why, Michael Mulgrew, are you lobbying against NYHA? Why are you advocating for the privatization of retiree healthcare? Who are you listening to that is influencing you to override your mandate from the delegate assembly to support NYHA? Especially when the Mayor is pressuring city unions to lower health care costs before he approves raises?
Our health shouldn’t be a bargaining chip in our labor negotiations, it should be a guaranteed right.
We learned that union leaders and legislators are back at the table to make amendments to the bill that could win over the support of the unions who currently oppose the bill. The bill has the votes.
We need the big unions who oppose NYHA to back off.
Join us and NYHA experts on Thursday, February, 16th at 6 PM to learn more!
Ali Haridopolos is a veteran NYC educator and union activist. She is a chapter leader at her school and a member of the MORE UFT caucus.
Related Links:
Lawmakers, labor unions negotiating single-payer health care bill
Campaign for New York Health Act
Why did the UFT leadership kill the New York Health Act? - MORE UFT
Health care for all N.Y.: An idea whose time has come - Arthur Goldstein
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