Urgent Call To Action: Retiree Orgs Mobilize to Fight Being Forced into the City's and MLC's Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan
UFT retirees will join Retiree Advocate UFT to challenge Michael Mulgrew, tomorrow 3/6, 12 PM, at UFT HQ. City retirees will march and rally with CROC on Thur, 3/9 at 11:30 am. Details below.
Retiree Advocate UFT and Cross-Union Retirees Organizing Committee have two actions planned this week to fight the planned imposed changes to the retiree healthcare of city workers by Mayor Eric Adams’ administration and the heads of the Municipal Labor Committee [MLC].
Nick Bacon, UFT executive board member, co-chair of New Action UFT and contributor to the The Wire explains, “By September, 2023, barring a win from opposition, it’s all but certain that UFT retirees, and all city retirees, will be ripped off of GHI Senior Care and thrown onto Aetna’s privatized Medicare Advantage plan (MAP). Here are the plan details.”
The MLC is poised to vote on this upcoming auto-enrollment change for all city retirees into MAP on Thursday, March 9th.
We urge you to support the following two actions to fight against this plan that threatens the hard earned and promised health benefits of New York City retirees.
Tomorrow, March 6th at UFT Headquarters - Retiree Advocate UFT
All UFT Members: Join Retiree Advocate at the next UFT Retired Teachers Chapter Meeting this Monday, March 6th at 1 pm at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway.
It will be hybrid so you can attend via Zoom if you can’t go in person.
Michael Mulgrew will be making a presentation about the NEW Contract just received from Aetna for the privatized Medicare Advantage Plan he wants to throw us all into! We all must be there to ask questions and make our voices heard loudly.
Join us in the lobby at 12 Noon.
Register on the UFT Website.
Register Here: https://web.cvent.com/.../30fe4882-68e5-437d-930b.../summary
And sign up with RA so we can send you more info.
Click here and let us know you're coming: bit.ly/3ERqMFf
Not a UFT member? Join the UFT retirees in leafletting and rallying outside of UFT headquarters.
Thursday, March 9th at 11:30 am - Cross Union Retirees Organizing Committee (CROC)
EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION - The Municipal Labor Committee (MLC) and the Mayor are on the verge of taking away our excellent public Medicare and forcing us into a life-threatening for-profit Aetna Medicare Advantage plan. The MLC is voting on March 9th.
11:30 am - Gather on steps of Smithsonian Museum across from Battery Park (next to the Bowling Green subway stop)
12:00 pm - March on Broadway past some of the MLC union headquarters and the OLR office
1:00 pm - Rally by City Hall Park
(Broadway & Park PI.)Bring Signs to Rally