Biden appears to be “ considering” giving up his run for a second term.
How do the Democrats transition to selecting a Biden successor?
The Democratic National Convention (DNC) begins August 19th in Chicago, you can’t wait a month
Biden could resign the presidency, Harris is sworn in and runs as an incumbent president. Quick with no infighting, as per the 25th Amendment the president nominates a replacement that must be approved by a majority of both houses of the Congress. The Republicans would do a “Garland” and refuse to affirm. Interesting and highly unlikely
Biden could withdraw and endorse Harris, I don’t think she would be challenged, the Dems are getting tired of self-immolation
Or, Biden can withdraw and leave the decision up to the convention, giving Republicans a month to campaign without a Democratic candidate
The AFT Convention begins Monday in Houston and Biden is scheduled to appear and speak on Thursday the 25th., will he be fully recovered from COVID, will he have withdrawn, or, a farewell type speech with no announcements, or Biden, Harris and Randi Weingarten kicking off the Harris campaign before 2,000 AFT members: teachers and health care workers
If Harris is the candidate who will be the VP candidate?
Pete Buttigieg? are we mature enough to support an openly gay candidate, btw, an excellent counter to Vance and very popular with younger voters, I doubt our citizenry is evolved enough to support a Black Woman and a gay man.
Harris was anti-crime, a hard-nosed attorney general in California and was excellent in her 2020 VP debate.
The challenge: how do you rebuild momentum?
A stumbling Biden, COVID, unrelenting internal assaults, although I believe history will hold Biden up to LBJ, or maybe higher, I’ll leave it to the historians. The Dems need to get back on the horse, need to rev up the campaign and get back to motivating women, younger voters, voters of color and unions. A steep cliff, a long climb. Doable
Tempus Fugit…
Somewhere, in whatever has replaced the “smoke-filled” room, the “movers and shakers” are putting together the Harris campaign
I have it on authority, Taylor is endorsing Kamala
Sorry dems aren't taking the white house Kamala is worse then Biden