Endorse or Not: Video Release
Watch the video archive of our special forum to discuss the UFT's political endorsement process
On Sunday, April 18th, 2021, we held a special Educators of NYC forum where we held an open discussion about our union’s (the UFT) political endorsement process. This event was well attended virtually, via Zoom, with close to 300 unique visitors participating in the event and many more via our live stream feed on Facebook Live.
Panelists and participants included rank and file members, union leaders and activists from a variety of perspectives, and our many diverse caucuses. The discussion was balanced, productive, healthy, and robust.
Our 3 big questions posed to the panelists and audience participants were:
1. What’s wrong/right with our endorsement process?
2. What can we do to improve the process?
3. Who or what should we be endorsing in this upcoming mayoral election?
You can view the video archive of this forum here: