** Don't Miss This, Today!** Contract Teach-In Pep Rally - Sun, 1/29 @ 7pm - An EONYC Zoom Forum Event
EONYC kicks off the upcoming UFT Contract Teach-Ins with an important & honest discussion you don't want to miss -- with union leaders, union activists & YOU!
Will we get substantial raises in our next contract just to keep up with rising costs? Will we lose more of our healthcare benefits? Can we fight for better job security and better child and family care leave? How long will we be without a new contract? Will we truly fight for a fair contract and say 'NO' to an unfair contract? These are just some of the questions many in our union family are asking.
Educators of NYC will launch the upcoming UFT Contract Teach-Ins with an important and honest contract discussion that you don't want to miss -- with union leaders, union activists & YOU!
Join EONYC’s Zoom forum event - The Contract Teach-In Pep Rally on Sunday, January 29th at 7 pm.
Our guest panelists include:
Marissa Solomon-Garcia - Chapter leader of New Utrecht High School. Also an AFT and NYSUT delegate. Affiliated with Unity caucus.
Ibeth Mejia - UFT Executive Board member. Chapter leader of Aviation High School. Affiliated with ICE UFT and UFT Solidarity caucus.
Melissa Williams - Citywide chapter leader of Occupational and Physical Therapists. Affiliated with OTPTs for A Fair Contract, MORE UFT caucus
Olivia Swisher - Chapter leader of a Brooklyn middle school. Former Exec Board candidate for United for Change. Affiliated with MORE UFT Caucus.
Alex Jallot - UFT Executive Board member. Chapter leader of Aviation High School. Affiliated with MORE UFT caucus
James Eterno - Long time, retired chapter leader of Jamaica High School. Author of ICE UFT blog. Affiliated with ICE UFT.
Nick Bacon - UFT Executive Board member. Former Chapter Leader of a Manhattan high school. Affiliated with New Action UFT caucus
Mike Schirtzer - UFT Executive Board member. AFT and NYSUT delegate. Affiliated with Unity caucus.
Co-moderated by: Aixa Rodriguez, of MORE UFT, and Bronx Educators for Justice, and Daniel Alicea, chapter delegate and lead organizer for EONYC.
Here are some of the questions our panelists and participants, like you, will explore:
Ice-Breaker: What do you love about being part of our union and our contract?
What does a fair upcoming contract look like? What does an unfair contract look like?
There are items in any contract that require costing … are there some working conditions that we can demand for this upcoming contract that don’t really cost the city anything? What are they?
What does saying “no” to an unfair contract mean? Does it mean we strike?
In our teach-ins, we will be sharing what actions we should take collectively. Do you believe we are prepared to take meaningful actions? Why or why not?
Some believe that the biggest obstacles for us taking meaningful actions are fear and apathy … How do we overcome fear and apathy in our union?
Wrap-up: In addition to our teach-ins tomorrow (1/30) ... What are some contract-related discussions that should also take place in our chapters and union circles that are impactful?
We will be also live streaming our event on our Facebook page and Facebook group.
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